Getting ready for Remembrance

10th Nailsea Brownies have been making a start towards Remembrance Day decorating Remembrance stones. They are going to be placed in a few chosen locations around Nailsea. The Brownies also learnt about 4 people they should be grateful too, 2 wartime heroes and 2 present day people.

Other units in Wraxall Division are also getting ready for their Remembrance activities to do after the school holidays.

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10th Nailsea Brownies have been making a start towards Remembrance Day decorating Remembrance stones. They are going to be placed in a few chosen locations around Nailsea. The Brownies also learnt about 4 people they should be grateful too, 2 wartime heroes and 2 present day people.

Other units in Wraxall Division are also getting ready for their Remembrance activities to do after the school holidays.

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