
Girlguiding Long Ashton enjoyed a weekend at Volksfest in Long Ashton. They had a stall in the family area showing parents and girls alike some of the things Brownies did at their meetings and badges girls can earn. Their main aim was to promote and raise awareness of Girlguiding locally and to encourage people to volunteer along with expanding community links.

They also combined the stall with activities for families to try and some fundraising; raffling off homemade bird tables. £37 was raised to go towards a new printer and photocopier for Long Ashton Guide HQ.

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Girlguiding Long Ashton enjoyed a weekend at Volksfest in Long Ashton. They had a stall in the family area showing parents and girls alike some of the things Brownies did at their meetings and badges girls can earn. Their main aim was to promote and raise awareness of Girlguiding locally and to encourage people to volunteer along with expanding community links.

They also combined the stall with activities for families to try and some fundraising; raffling off homemade bird tables. £37 was raised to go towards a new printer and photocopier for Long Ashton Guide HQ.